Thursday, July 6, 2017

First day of work!

    Today is the first day I go to RIT Imaging Science Internship. Everyone was excited about the job they're going to do in the next few months. The schedule was having all of us meet in the reading room at 8:45 am, then doing some team-building activities, after which was lunch. In the afternoon, we went to our own groups and met our partners and professors.
    To tell the truth, it was so hard to get up so early in the morning after being out of school. But out of excitement, I arrived Carlson Building 10 minutes ahead. After a brief introduction and some rules declaration, we gathered at a red barn which is much older than us.
    Tom, the coach who directed us to do the team building activities, was a nice guy who thought up really interesting games so we wouldn't get bored. He was also a smart guy from the scenarios he imagined for the games and the ways he used to actually let us learn something from the games comfortably.
    We had pizza for lunch. I have to say, RIT people are so generous that we got twice as much food as we needed.
    Our real learning and interns began after lunch. I met my professor Dr. Pelz who later introduced me to his fellow students who are also working on visual perception(eye tracking) this summer. I interacted a lot with the students during the next three hours.
    I first went to take several videos about eye movements of people with different eye colors with Jeremy and Iyus. Iyus and I got brown/black irises and Jeremy got blue ones. It sure was a sunny day outside Carlson building, and the light was too bright for us to even keep our eyes open.
    Out of curiosity about what is lab is really about, I "interviewed" all three of the students in my lab during the rest of the time. They were really nice and friendly, and I learned a lot from them.
    I "interviewed" Iyus first--as he sat next to me--about the project he was doing. It was then that I realized that the videos we took were actually working for him. He's doing something really complicated about the perception of pupils. He was trying to write a program that can accurately find the position of pupils so he can use it to find the movement of the eye. The main challenge is that sometimes the irises cannot be totally seen by video cameras. Things like eyelid may block the view of them.
   The next person I "interviewed" was Jeremy. He is currently doing a very important part of the process -- interpret and examine the codes from an online open source. It was important because it directly decides whether the device we use to percept the position our likes are looking will work accurately. If not, we may need to design a better one.
   The last person I "interviewed" was Jo. She was talkative but concentrated. She was doing a thing which I found fun--to find the movement of eyes when a people feel scared or surprised. By doing this, she actually bought a drone online with a controller so we can try it before practice on actual video games. She faced a serious problem today. In order to connect two cameras without using wifi or bluetooth, she has to find a proper connector that can work. The unfortunate thing was that the original connector did not work today. She is still brainstorming a way to connect those two cameras so they can share the same internal structure. (I'm not sure what's that called).
   After learning more about the lab I'm in and the things people around me are doing, I have a better plan for this summer. I'm going to start learn the things they've already learned in college and hopefully I can assist them on the projects they are doing!

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Day 29

  In the morning, we had our practice presentation. Out of my expectation, my timing was actually pretty well.   Right after I presented in...